Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Essay on An Analysis of Sebastiao Salgaldo’s Migrations

An Analysis of Sebastiao Salgaldo’s Migrations Migrations: Humanity in Transition is an overwhelming photography exhibit, done completely in black and white, which is currently on display at the Ackland Art Museum on the University’s campus. The 300 photograph exhibit according to Simon James of RPS Journal, is the type of exhibit which clearly â€Å"takes a step back† from the disturbing details of individual problems around the world and paints a panoramic view of how harsh the entire universe has become (James, 2001). The photography is done by a photographer named Sebastiao Salgado and his specific style and calculated techniques allow him to direct the audience’s focus to particular subjects in his photographs. I believe that†¦show more content†¦The photograph that I chose to analyze is just one photograph in a series that Salgado hoped would give the world an idea of the magnitude of destruction that Rwandan refugees have faced over a three year period from 1994-1997. I was particularly drawn to a picture of a tractor plowing dead corpses into a pile in Rwanda because of the oddity of the circumstance and because of the focus on one particular woman in the photo. In the picture, the body of a woman wearing a white dress has been picked up by a tractor and is being transported to another pile of bodies. It is such a breathtaking photo that it takes the viewer a second to comprehend what they are looking at, and get their bearings before they can move on. I was immediately floored by the photo and then disgusted by its content. Mary Behrens, a writer for Art New England, said about Salgado’s exhibit, â€Å"I often felt like I was being clobbered over the head with simply too much statistical evidence: too much poverty, too much misery, too many orphans, too little food, and much too much human anguish† (Behrens, 2003). All of his photos in this exhibit are just as dis turbing as the next, and they lead the viewer to question the significance of the history behind them. According to The US Committee for Refugees (USCR), the feud between the Hutus and the Tutsis dates back to at least the late 1950s or early 1960s when the Hutus, who represent approximately 85

Monday, December 23, 2019

Chicago Torture Video 4 Changes With Hate Crimes,...

The current event is â€Å"Chicago Torture Video: 4 Changes with Hate Crimes, Kidnapping† by CNN. The event is about the four young people who kidnapped and tortured a disabled white man on the 6th of January 2017. The suspects included two girls named Brittany Covington- age 18, Tanishia Covington- age 24, and two men- Tesfaye Cooper and Jordan Hill both 18 years of age. The defendants faced questions on the same issue about the video that the defendants streamed on some social sites like Facebook. The incidence happened in Chicago, Il. It is alleged that the kidnappers are said to have taken the culprit into captive and abused him both physically and mentally. In the video, one of the kidnappers is heard making comments on how he hated†¦show more content†¦From the social construction perspective, society has already inbuilt ideas about crimes and other informalities. Lenski (2013) asserts that social construction is the way a society gives certain people or a group privilege. Those who assess the kidnapping incident based on the idea that it involved people from a minority group, discriminates the minority group since they base it on race. For example, if whites believed that since the accused are African-Americans, they might be members of the movement of Black Lives Matter (Yan, Jones, Almasy, 2016). People from different parts of the world presume the same; thus they perceive African-Americans as antisocial. Although the Black Lives Matter movement tried to oppose the allegations, it appeared other races intimidated them. Thus, the blacks found it difficult to defend themselves in the midst of this confusion. Due to this stalemate and social construction, the media tried to reach the movement to get it right and inform the public of the correct information about the event. Accurate broadcasting (or lack of media broadcasting) can help eliminate doubts in the minds of people, hence reducing discrimination (or protesting or rioting) in public areas. The fact that some blacks might have been found in other similar criminal activities like the one reported by CNN, it was wrong to continue to portray the negative attitude. What manyShow MoreRelatedLogical Reasoning189930 Words   |  760 Pages1993 with ISBN number 0-534-17688-7. When Wadsworth decided no longer to print the book, they returned their publishing rights to the original author, Bradley Dowden. The current version has been significantly revised. If you would like to suggest changes to the text, the author would appreciate your writing to him at dowden@csus.edu. iv Praise Comments on the earlier 1993 edition, published by Wadsworth Publishing Company, which is owned by Cengage Learning: There is a great deal of coherenceRead MoreEssay on Fall of Asclepius95354 Words   |  382 Pagesthe loop like this. Now half the worlds population is infected with a disease no one knows about. That is unacceptable. Thomas pulled up several other links with titles such as Police Open Fire on Rioters, Dozens Dead in Massive Attack in Chicago, and Civil War Erupts in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, and Sudan. He read every article to sate his hunger for knowledge. The more he researched the more he hungered. All the articles he read only provided more gaps in knowledge. Knowledge that he

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Presentation on the Kimpton Hotel’s Eco-friendly Initiative Free Essays

The key elements of the Kimpton Hotels Earth Care Program are outlined in its eco-mission statement. These include â€Å"company-wide commitment towards water conservation; reduction of energy usage; reduction of energy usage; elimination of harmful toxins and pollutants; recycling of all reusable waste; building and furnishing hotels with sustainable materials; and purchasing goods and services that directly supports these principles† (Murray and Thomas 2005). It should be noted that all of these elements should be implemented in order to attain the goal of the Earth Care program. We will write a custom essay sample on Presentation on the Kimpton Hotel’s Eco-friendly Initiative or any similar topic only for you Order Now However, aside from these direct efforts that the company must engage in, it is also recognize that a key element in embarking in the program is the communication strategy which is used internally and externally. Inside the business organization, it is very essential to align the company’s workforce in this new strategy by letting them know and giving them an active role for the implementation of the program. In the part of the external stakeholders, Kimpton also had to communicate its eco-friendly efforts and their advantages. Is there a `business case` for the Earth Care Program? There is a strong business case for the Earth Care Program. It should be noted that implementing this eco-friendly strategy will benefit Kimpton in the long run. Looking at the current trend in the business environment, it becomes notable that most companies not only in the hotel industry are becoming more and more active in the preservation of the environment by supporting sustainable development efforts and by establishing a â€Å"greener† image. It should be noted that company image is now a more serious issue than the product itself. Consumers are becoming more and more concerned about the influences of a business organization to communities and environment. Also, the Earth Care Program is consistent with the corporate social responsibility effort of Kimpton which is very much important in the global business arena nowadays. Can you describe the costs and benefits associated with the Earth Care Program? The Earth Care Program conveys various benefits to Kimpton Hotels. One of the most obvious advantages is the huge potential improvement in the bottom line of the company. The efforts of the company to become more eco-friendly also implies shifting from less energy and resources consuming processes which will definitely push down the level of costs. The company’s effort of eliminating toxic substances will also benefit employees who are handling these chemicals on a daily basis. It should be noted that toxic substances often have detrimental effects to the person handling them and eliminating this can possibly improve the sense of well being of employees and make them more productive. The Earth Care Program also posts opportunities to Kimpton as it will now belong to the list of eco-friendly hotels which are highly preferred by government organizations. In some ways, customers can perceive the eco-friendly image as a new attraction which can generate more revenue for the company. However, the company also faces the challenges involved in this new strategy. First, the Earth Care Program requires monetary investment which should be financed long before any cost benefit is attained. Kimpton Hotel also needs to align its entire chain with the effort thus necessitating negotiation and giving out the risk of rejection from local managers who feel threatened by the new system. Third, the company needs to pay more for the organic materials which are needed to make hotels eco-friendly. As the case states, these costs are very high compared to the traditional materials. Are there risks to the company with this program? The company is facing a huge risk in implementing the Earth Care Program. First, Kimpton Hotel is not sure whether this program will be perceived by customers as value-adding. Experience of the customers are seen to be indirectly related with the materials or equipments used in delivering services. Since the benefits of the program are not reaped in the short-run, the company also takes in the risk of possible change in consumer taste before cost savings are realized. If in the long run, customers perceive that eco-friendly efforts are not important, then Kimpton runs the risk of not benefiting from its investment. Lastly, the Earth Care Program threatens the autonomy of local branches which can make employees hesitant in implementing changes. What is the weakness of the Kimpton Hotel? The autonomy of the branches of the Kimpton Hotel can be perceived both as a strength and weakness of the organization. On the positive side, the decentralized operation facilitates fast decision making and customization. However, Kimpton Hotel is having difficulty in implementing company-wide strategies because possible rejection from its branches. It should also be noted that as each hotel is unique, integrating them to join the Earth Care Program is quite hard. The difference in the values of each branch also makes it difficult for them to pursue a single strategy. What might work in a branch might not necessarily have the same effect on another. References Silverman, M Thomas, T. 2005, â€Å"Kimpton Hotels: Balancing Strategy and Environmental Sustainability.† San Francisco State University, USA How to cite Presentation on the Kimpton Hotel’s Eco-friendly Initiative, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Organisation Behaviour & Internal Communication Methodology Conduct

Question: Describe about the Organisation Behaviour Internal Communication for Methodology Conduct. Answer: Introduction This section of the study refers to the methodology in which way the project has been conducted. The main objective of the project is to find out the motivation procedures of Sony whether they are using the processes in a right direction or not (O'Leary, (2013). Therefore, the method in the way the research objectives has been met is discussed here to understand the motivation tools of the company. In this section, probability sampling method and non-probability sampling method has been used to set the sample size from the target population. Therefore, the data has been collected with Primary data collection procedure. The employees and managers of Sony has interviewed and surveyed with quantitative data collection technique and qualitative data collection technique. These processes helped to collect the relevant information about the company that the analysis can be done in the next section properly to meet the objectives of the project. Organization background One of the best-known and popular electronics organisations is Sony Corporation, which was founded after the World War II as a seller of transistor radio, CD player, Trinitron television, Betamax VCR, Walkman portable cassette player and many more products that are revolutionary. It is a Japanese multinational corporation headquartered in Tokyo, Minato in Japan. It has been operating in the world business since the year of 1946 with the registration of TTK (Tokyo Telecommunications Engineering Corporation). In starting, they have stated with $500 as their initial investment. However, their first product has faced a massive failure in attracting their customers as it was not met the expectations of them. They spent almost $6500 in sales of the product but were able to gain only $300 from that. It has gained its popularity when they have introduced their product transistor radio called TTK radio Sony. They used the name intentionally to indicate the Latin word Sonus, which means sound. This has brought the desired popularity as well as profit for the company to make it familiar in the world of electronics business. In 1958, it has renamed as Sony Corporation and then they dominated the electronic market with their innovative and good products. It is the business unit of the parent company Sony Group and operates in four different components such as, electronics, motion pictures, financial services and music. It has attained the second rank in the world of electronics business and has become one of the lading manufacturing companies of electronic product. Sony is serving almost every area in the world and gaining revenue of 8.1T. It has approx 125.3K employees working with the company still 2016. The mission of Sony was to provide the people with all the electronic devices that are innovative in feature and will meet the customers expectations. Best practice model (motivation) The best practice model of motivation for the company has to be something that can influence the employees to work more in the good environment within the company. The authority of the company is always trying to provide regular innovative and new things to the employees that their employees never feel any problem to give their best to the company. In this research, the main aim is to find out the best motivation practice for the company to motivate the employees and evaluate whether the financial benefits can motivate them or not. Gap analysis According to SERVQUAL model there is five gaps through which customer satisfaction level can be measured. Following are the five gap analysis of Sony Corporation. Management Perception and customers expectations Management Perception and specifications of service quality Specifications of service quality and delivered service Delivered service and external communication Expected service and experienced service Sony has a good brand image and as a result, customers expectation is high. On the other hand, customer evaluation process of Sony is weak, which creates a gap between these two parameters. As customer evaluation process is weak, it is difficult for the company to provide appropriate product or service specification. Sony has skilled workforce and therefore, the company can deliver the actual design service or product quality to the customers. It shows the gap between the two parameter is negligible. The existing gap between management perception and customers expectations shows that there is huge gap between the delivered service quality and customers expectation. Expected service quality and experienced service differs due to the gap between management perception and customers expectations. Swot analysis The state of a business organisation can be understood by the analysis of its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The analysis can be conducted through the SWOT analysis in following, Strengths Opportunities The company has built a strong brand image before the customers. It has been announced to be the Asias most valued brand in the survey of 2011, which proves its brand value. Sony is always providing the customers various innovative products that can attract new consumers as well as retain the existing customers. The company has been giving the customers products differentiation with providing them an extra special feature. There are variations in the designs of the products that attract the customers easily. They provide a good customers service that can satisfy their customers. The share price of Sony Corporation was 1507JPY in 2011 and 3378 JPY in 2016, which is showing its growth and sustainability. It is a multinational company; therefore, it can take the advantage of its music business along with the movie business. The company is doing this with implementing the four-screen strategy that looks like a good concept to improve its business. It has occupied the whole market of the entire Sony Ericson after the joint venture. It has given the opportunity to this company to provide smart phones independently with innovative features to grab the mobile market. It is emerging in the global market with its variety of products in different sectors. Weaknesses Threats The product pricing policies are very high for the common people that affect their business. The high cost of media production that has spent in the television business mainly has increased its prices of products a high. Product diversity has decreased their focus from its core competency that says to make great consumer-electronic products. Other companies focus on their few products and therefore they make it with full concentration while Sony has to manage various products at a time, which leads to deteriorate the quality. They use less promotional activities that are decreasing their customers. Sony has also an over-confidence on their products. Sony Corporation is facing a strong competition from the same organisations in worldwide. The main competitors such as, Apple, Samsung, LG are giving the customers low price products that affecting the market of Sony in recent time. Gradually, the company is losing its brand value as the other competitor Apple is introducing its innovative and own version products day by day. The online business of this company is also faces threats from the hackers. Once the Play station network of this company has hacked, which has resulted in the leakage of information about the customers. Sampling Techniques Sampling techniques are the processes that help to set the population required for conducting the research. Therefore, in this part the methods of setting the target population on which the interview and survey has been conducted. The processes of sampling techniques has discussed here that has helped to determine the sample size, sampling method, and sample unit to meet the ultimate goal of this project (Bryman, Bell, 2015). As the outcome of the project is completely depending on the data collected for analysing the appropriateness of the motivation tools applied in the company to motivate their employees, therefore, the data collection process should be logical to achieve its objectives. Sample Unit In every research, sample unit refers to the process of determining the total target people required for completing the data collection procedure to get relevant data on the topic. In this project, to collect the information about the motivation processes of Sony it is necessary to interact with the employee of the company to know the recent processes there (Baskerville and Wood, (2016). As it is an internal process of the company, therefore to analysis the appropriateness of those the interaction with the people is required who are directly connected with the organisation. In this case, the total employees selected for conducting the survey process is 50. They have been asked the questions about the motivation process of Sony whether they were happy with those processes or not. Apart from this, five Managers were selected for this purpose to collect the information about the present motivational technique followed by the company to motivate their employees. Sampling Method This is the vital part of any research as it serves the crucial role to gather the data for the research. In this project, it is very essential to collect proper data of Sony to attain the research objective. Therefore, the sampling method has been selected here to gather appropriate data for the purpose. Generally, sampling methods refers to the procedure of selecting the sample size suitable for conducting the data collection procedure. There are two sampling method available, which can be used to gather the information. The methods mainly helped to select the required sample population from the entire sample unit to collect more appropriate information of the motivation practices of Sony (Zikmund et al., 2013). Probability sampling and Non-probability sampling are the two processes that can be applied in a research method to determine the sample size of the project. The first method is the process of gathering the whole sampling population in a place to interact with them to colle ct data from them about the topic. Therefore, if this probability sampling method would be used to conduct a research process, then the procedure would be very short, time saving and fair. In this method, the total sample population can be asked questions at a time as the overall target people are gathered in one location. It save the time of data collection process and give more time to focus on the analysis part of the project. In this project, the data collected from the employees has conducted through the probability sampling procedure (Tirumalaiah et al., 2015). Therefore, the employees were gathered in a location to interact with them and to collect the required data from them for meeting the objective of the project. On the other hand, the other process of sampling is very time consuming and hectic. The non-probability sampling method refers to the process in which the targeted sample population is not present in a location to interact with directly at a time. Therefore, in t his procedure to collect the data one should have to move from one place to another place to meet with the people. Therefore, it is a lengthy process where the targeted population have to ask question one by one to get the answers on the topic of the project. In this case, the Managers of the company have been asked questions individually to get the information about the motivation practices in Sony. Therefore, the non-probability sampling method has been used to conduct the interview processes with the Managers of the company to get the information about the internal policies regarding motivation. Therefore, in this project the probability sampling and non-probability sampling both have been used to get the authentic information about the companys strategies. Data Collection Data collection is the essential part of a research that plays a crucial role in attaining the objectives of the research. This helps to develop the ideas about the research topic, which would be analysed in the data analysis section (Thomas et al., 2014). In this project, the data collection process has been helped to collect the authentic data about the motivational processes of the company that can be analysed in the data analysis section to reach the ultimate goal of the project work. There are two processes available for collecting the data from the targeted people one process is called primary data collection processes and the other one is secondary data collection process. In the first process, the statistical data are collected from many sources related to the research topic to analyse them in further time to meet the research objectives. In this process, the data collected from the authentic sources through the processes of interview and survey and then the data are analysed in the next part of the research, which is data analysis section. On the other hand, the secondary data collection method is the process where the data are gathered from the various sources of previous research papers, journals, and other online research evidences. This process is therefore more authentic than the primary data collection method. As the data are collected in this process are collected from the previous researches that were obviously authentic by nature while in the first process the data collected from the sources can manipulate the information not to reveal the reality. In this project, the data has been collected in the primary data collection method to collect the data from the employees and the Managers of the company. The data collection process can be measured in the two processes - quantitative data collection technique and qualitative data collection technique. The quantitative data collection technique refers to the procedure in which a survey is conducted for the sample size to gather them in a location to ask required questions to gather knowledge about the topic. On the other hand, the qualitative data collection technique refers to the procedure that collects the data through asking questions to individual about the research topic. In order to conduct this research, both the methods quantitative technique and qualitative technique have been used to collect the data from the respondents (Tate et al., 2015). While conducting the research, the quantitative data has been collected from the employees of the company who were asked questions about the motivational processes of Sony. It would help to understand the extent in which employees are happy with the motivational tools of Sony. On the oth er hand, to know the viewpoint of the Managers of this company the qualitative data collection method has been used. Therefore, the required data has been collected about the company to attain the appropriateness of the applications of the motivational methods to motivate their employees. Data Analysis In a research, the data analysis part has an essential role that helps to analyse the collected data in the data collection step. This section helps to analyse the data collected from the employees and Managers of the company, which will be analysed in this part whether the motivational tools applied in the company were right or not. This has been conducted through various data analysis tools such as mean, median, mode and standard deviation (Alcaiz et al., 2014). Mode value helps to define the highest response, median helps to identify the scope, mean refers to the average value and standard deviation helps to measure the risk factors. In this case, the data collected from the employees through the survey method has been analysed with the focus group. On the other hand, the Managers of this company have provided the data about the motivational techniques that were analysed with the statistical evaluation procedure to meet the research objective. Interview and Survey Questionnaire Quantitative Questionnaire 1. How far are you satisfied with motivational tool of Sony? Strongly satisfy Satisfy Neutral Dissatisfy Strongly dissatisfy This question has been asked to the employees of the company to understand the satisfaction level. The company has considered the financial benefit for motivating the employees. However, this question has helped to understand the real situation of Sonys employees. 2. How far do you agree that financial benefits are only useful motivational tool? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree The financial benefit has been used to motivate the employees of Sony. However, there was a confusion regarding this motivational tool whether the employees were really motivated only with financial benefit. In order to know the thought processes of the employees of this company about motivation techniques can also be obtained from this question. 3. What is the most preferable motivational tool you would select for Sony? Incentive trip Increment Financial benefit Recognition Holiday The company was practicing the financial benefit as their only motivational tool. Therefore, it has been essential to understand the employees expectations from the company about motivation program. This question has enabled to evaluate the employees choices and expectation from Sony to motivate them. Qualitative Questionnaire 1. What are the motivational tools that Sony implements in order to empower performance quality of employees? This question has been asked to the Managers of Sony to know the future strategies of the company in order to gain more improved performance from their employees. This also includes the present strategy regarding motivating their employees to enhance their performance quality. 2. Do you think that financial benefits can influence performance quality of employees? The planning and implementation of strategies in a company is inspected by the Managers and they do not implement any policy without conducting proper market research. Therefore, in order to evaluate the ideas of the Managers of Sony to motivate their employees can be obtained from this question and can be realised whether the employees can be motivated through financial benefit. Ethical Consideration While conducting any research, there has to be an ethical consideration that is required to be maintained in the overall research process. In this project, as the research is conducted through the primary data collection method, therefore to collect the data from a large number of respondents should be required. It is required to encourage respondents in order to increase response rate. However, according to research ethics, forcing the respondents to participate in the study is unethical. This is the most important ethical dilemma that needs to be addressed in order to obtain accurate research outcome. Apart from this, to collect the actual data from the Managers of this company, the data obtained from the employees have to disclose before them. However, according to the Data Protection Act, the information collected from the employees cannot be disclosed unethically (Tirumalaiah et al., 2015). Summary The whole chapter has summarised the procedure in which the research has conducted to attain the research objective. In order to gain the understanding of the recent motivational tool and to evaluate the techniques used here to motivate the employees, the research has been conducted through interview and survey. This process has helped to analyse the organisational behaviour and internal communication for motivating the employees of Sony. Conclusion While concluding the study, it can be sad that the methodology section of this research has analysed the background of the company before researching about the main issue of its motivational process trough the financial benefits. The selection of these data collection process, sampling process, data analysis techniques has helped to evaluate the current situation of the company to analyse the research questions whether it can meet the research objective or not. Therefore, the section has discussed the methods of the research process to attain its objectives of the research topic. Reference List Alcaiz, M., Rodrguez, A., Rey, B., Parra, E. (2014, June). 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