Saturday, February 15, 2020

Laeken Declaration Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Laeken Declaration Paper - Essay Example The crafting of the constitution reinforces the powers and duties of the European Court of Justice’s embrace of each member state’s unique constitutional provisions. The first step includes the establishment of the Convention of the Future, a constitutional convention. The Federalist Papers no. 49 (Madison) states â€Å"The people are the only legitimate fountain of power, and it is from them that the constitutional charter, under which several branches of government hold their power, is derived† (Eriksen 2004). Lee McGowan mentioned â€Å"The Laekan Declaration on the Future of the European Union was adopted by the European Council at its summit in Laeken, Belgium on 15 December 2001. The Declaration followed a similar Declaration on the Future of the Union adopted a year earlier at the same time as the Treaty of Nice and was significant for the issues it raised for consideration by the Convention on the Future of Europe which was launched in late February 2002 . ... Second, the Laeken Declaration focused on resolving the European Union’s democratic deficit. The aim of the Laeken Declaration is to establish a European Union political entity grounded on firm democracy, crystal clear transparency and efficiency. Third, the Laeken Declaration centered on simplifying the European Union’s political environment. The same Declaration emphasized the integration of the treaties into a European Union constitution. Likewise, the Declaration delves on defining the European Union’s role in enhancing the global environment. Lastly, the Declaration centers on bringing the European Union citizens within one synergy-filled single European Union community1. The Treaty of Lisbon enhanced the concepts of the prior Laeken Declaration. The Laeken Declaration hinted on the importance of constitutional reform policies. The Lisbon treaty included a new reform vehicle that gave a semblance of constitutional intentions, the Convention on the Future of Europe. The word selections were toned to impress a constitutional purpose. Taking into consideration the mandate as well as the character envisioned by the democratic constitutional perspective, the Belgian presidents’ advocacy for the Treaty of Lisbon was the handiwork of the European Council. European integration can both be an opportunity and a threat. There is no convincing evidence that some of the national governments of the Europe Union will stand to loss if they implement a European Union constitution. To resolve the issue, some European governments have adapted their structures and procedures to keep abreast with the increasing scope of European Union integration. The Treaty of Lisbon, inspired by the Laeken Declaration, states that the national

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Black world study reflection paper, based on reading and viewing Essay - 1

Black world study reflection paper, based on reading and viewing materials - Essay Example In the early 60s, stereotyping was rife in United States whereby people from certain races were subjected to discrimination. In a bid to oppose the treatment, many resorted to art using music and other forms. With time, the Americans recognized very race courtesy of art demonstrated by many artists. For this reason, it is appropriate to agree that â€Å"dance, poetry, music can bring difference in this country and in this world† (Brown, p.2). To cement this point, various movies have been released where the oppression in many Islamic countries happen. As a result, some countries like Qatar have lately been viewed as civilized due to its approach to various issues. Additional, singer Elton John, a renowned gay activist has transformed the way same-sex marriages are viewed through music. As a result, same-sex marriages have been legalized and the couples are treated the same as heterosexuals. From the case materials, the story of Primus proves beyond reasonable doubt the power of art. Even though stereotypes still exists in today’s society, it is appropriate to state that much of the change that has been witness is due to art. For instance, in the case of Primus, the owner at the Cafà © society judged her as per her appearance. However, upon insisting for a chance, Primus, â€Å"danced with such skill and enthusiasm at her audition that she earned a coveted slot as a Cafà © Society entertainer† (p.13). From the above explanation, it is clear that afterwards, the perception towards Primus change thanks to art. It is for this reasons that emphasis is made on the power of art. Indeed, it has the capability to change the society but only when given a chance. Racism issues in United States were rampant but one of the people who actively participated in its end was primus. Interestingly, to do this, ‘she waged her artistic and political fight for